陽明交大GMBA的所有學生在畢業前都必須獲得相關的專業經驗。 這種專業經驗將把你在課堂上獲取的全球技能運用到實踐中。專業經驗要求要通過預先批准的實習來完成。全職實習期應至少為4週,兼職實習期則應為更長的160 小時。
1) 學生應在實習開始前至少6週提交 "Proposal of Internship" (PDF)《實習計劃書》
2) 實習結束後,學生應提交 "Certificate of Internship Participation" (PDF) 《實習證明》
- Advantech (Automation, Taiwan)
- ASIG Quality Services GmbH (Quality control, Germany)
- AUO (Display, Taiwan)
- Cconma.com (e-commerce, South Korea)
- Chungwha Telecom (Telecommunication, Taiwan)
- DHL Indonesia (Logistics, Indonesia)
- Front Village (Hospitality, Thailand)
- Hollyhigh International Capital (Banking, China)
- Canada (Manufacturing, Canada)
- Mega International Commercial Bank New York Branch (Banking, Taiwan)
- NC Soft (Online Gaming, South Korea)
- Qualcomm (Information Technology, USA)
- Shin-Etsu Denso Co., Ltd. (Manufacturing, Japan)
- Texas Instrument (Semiconductor, USA)
- TSMC (Semiconductors, Taiwan)
- Yoda Communications (Network equipment, Taiwan)
10. 研究生在學期間須前往跨國企業實習並提供相關證明文件。實習之總時間以至少四週為原則,若有特殊情形,須由學程主任審查通過。
2023 Internship Report Excerpts
BenQ Asia Pacific Corporation (Taiwan) - 13 April 2023 to 28 February 2024
Mai Thu Hien (Elena), a Global MBA student at National Yang-Ming Chiao Tung University, worked as an eCommerce and Digital Marketing intern at BenQ Asia Pacific Corp. from April 13, 2023, to February 28, 2024.
In the eCommerce field, her responsibility was official mall technical management on the Shopee and Lazada platforms, providing sales assistance and customer service to enhance conversion rates and generate weekly and monthly reports. She contributed to increasing BenQ Vietnam's eCommerce revenue by 100% over the previous year.
In digital marketing, she created creative social media and PR content, increased BenQ Vietnam's fan page's organic reach by 100%, and increased engagement by 20% more than the previous year. She also handled translating website articles from English to Vietnamese and ensured SEO optimization.
The internship at BenQ improved her understanding of Taiwanese work culture and enriched her professional knowledge in eCommerce, digital marketing, and the electronics appliance industry.
Delta Electronic (Thailand) - 26 June 2023 to 08 September 2023
Pratchayawat Jittapiruk, a Global MBA student at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, worked as a Strategic Sourcing and Planning intern at Delta Electric Thailand PLC from June 26 to September 8, 2023. While in the Regional Supply Chain Management team, she meticulously reviewed documentation for new supplier and vendor accounts, both local and international. Her critical duties involved performing in-depth data analysis for MRO products and services, aiding in strategic planning, and detecting trends for future procurement. The experience provided her with invaluable insights into the intricacies of international business, enhancing her interpersonal, communication, and collaboration skills. During her internship in the sourcing and purchasing industry, she honed her analytical skills, which proved to be a significant milestone in her journey toward becoming a versatile international business professional.
2016 Internship Report Excerpts
G-Shank (Taiwan) - 1 July 2016 to 30 September 2016
Said Ramirez, a Global MBA student at National Chiao Tung University, has interned at G-Shank’s International Marketing Department from 1st July to 30th September 2016. During the 3-month internship, his primary goals were to open new markets in The Americas (Colombia, Chile and Argentina), organizing logistics and activities for its trade shows (Electronica India, Electronica Munich), and host visiting clients in Taiwan. During weekly monitor meetings, his performance would be assessed to ensure he was meeting his targets. He successfully increased the visibility of G-Shank by developing its promotion channels and translating its website and information brochures into Spanish, Portuguese and German. To summarize, Said considers his experience working at G-SHANK as a highly valuable one because the learning process of doing business in Asia has increased his professional and interpersonal skills.
SG HealthCare (Korea) - 8 August 2016 to 8 September 2016
Ken Lee, Global MBA student at National Chiao Tong University, is very fortunate and grateful to have his internship with SG Healthcare, a medical device manufacturer based in South Korea. From August 8th until September 8th 2016, he was managing a full-time internship and his personal development abroad. His responsibilities include customer research, packaging design, and product development for a new beauty product line. Upon completing his internship, he could see his experiences had increased his awareness of and inclusiveness towards South Korean culture. Although he was working within the company as an intern, he also needed to adapt to his coworkers’ behaviors and expectations in addition to becoming accustomed to S. Korean culture. An important realization for him was that while his efforts were a measure of his own ability, it was also a reflection of how the NCTU GMBA and Taiwan has shaped his character and competency.
2014 Internship Report Excerpts
Nouvelles d’Europe (UK Edition) - 23 June 2014 to 15 August 2014
Fufei Wu, a Global MBA student at National Chiao Tung University, had worked as an intern reporter of Editorial Department at Nouvelles d'Europe UK Edition in London from 23 June to 15 August 2014. Each summer (June to August) is a peak time for newspapers to record the colorful UK life, including performances, festivals, events, theaters, etc. Due to manpower deficit during the time, Nouvelles d'Europe UK Edition requires reporters to cover different art/literature styles and write articles based on interview results. Therefore, a qualified intern reporter should be capable of doing independent work and completing assignments under time constraint pressure. This intern report comprehensively represents Fufei Wu's outcome of 13 articles and more than 30 event recommendations at Nouvelles d'Europe UK Edition London office. It also analyzes the method for interviews and shows how Fufei Wu faced the challenges and how to solve theses problems.
Tuffbond Corp. (USA) - 23 June 2014 to 15 August 2014
Rosy Huang, a Global MBA student at National Chiao Tung University, has worked as an intern for marketing analysis of logistic equipment products at Tuffbond Crop. in USA from 23 June 2014 to 15 August 2014. Tuffbond Corp. is an agent that selling chemical product from Taiwan to the United States market. It has 14 years experience in marketing, selling and customer service. Tuffbond take the mission from its partner Shin-Tai Plastic (STP) to do the marketing research and analysis for the USA market. STP is a logistic equipment manufacturer in Taiwan and doing the international business, one of their main customers in the USA is Walgreens, the largest drug retail chain store in the USA. The marketing analysis report is aimed to give STP a picture to deicide whether to invest in manufacturing equipment as a factory, warehouse or just stay as an office in 2015. During her internship, she did the marketing research and analysis of logistic equipment products, particularly in plastic pallets, bulk containers and dollies.
Yoda Communication (Taiwan) - 2 July 2014 to 29 August 2014
Yenny Tseng, a Global MBA student at National Chiao Tung University, has worked as an intern for overseas sales at Yoda communication, a Taiwan-based manufacturer in networking devices or equipment, from 3 July 2014 to 29 August 2014. During the two-month internship period in Yoda communication, the company arranged a comprehensive training plan for me which included product knowledge, customer base, supply chain, sales tactics and company strategy. After completing the training, she was immediately to be put on job training to perform day to day jobs which included reviewing the company existing workflows and marketing materials, managing sales queries, finding sales leads and pitching prospective clients. Besides, she managed to identify the gaps in the process and suggest the area of improvement where the company should have more organized catalogue and brochures to reach out to the potential clients overseas. The internship experience with Yoda communication is something really new to her where she gained valuable knowledge about engineering and technical skills in details.