Tuition & Scholarships

For updated information, please visit the Office of International Affairs.
You can also visit the Registrar Division on the following path.
Tuition and FeesThe  fees to be paid by the students: List of Tuition and Miscellaneous Fees for the 2023 School Year
The program requires a minimum of 47 credit hours for completion. The estimated cost to complete the program in two years is shown below.

Particulars Amount
Credit Fees NT$235,000
Miscellaneous Fees
(Basic Tuition)
Books NT$40,000
Living Expenses NT$288,000
Other Expenses NT$60,000
TOTAL NT$726,840
(Approximately US$23,000)

(Award granted in NT$ only, approx. US$ amount provided only for reference)
*Credit fees are computed based on NT$5,000 per credit. This is subject to change.



NYCU International Student Scholarship 
NYCU x TSMC Elite Scholarship
Taiwan Scholarship
E.SUN Bank ASEAN Scholarship Application

For more information, please visit NYCU OIA Scholarship.

For inquiry on new student admission and scholarship, please contact:
Division of International Admissions, Office of International Affairs
1001 University Road, Hsinchu 30010, Taiwan
Tel: +886-3-513-1254 / Fax: +886-3-513-1473