The Unique Tailor-Made Course in GMBA

By Rusliyanto, Class of 2023

It’s been almost a year that I have been living and studying in National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, or NYCU to be short. Time flies so fast, and for this time I like to share one of my experiences on learning an interesting subject in the campus.

Fantastic GMBA course

GMBA Unique Course
GMBA Unique Course

The subject that I’d want to share called “Case Studies of Global Web Companies”, and it is only available in NYCU (Guang Fu campus). I felt so lucky that I can join and participate on such special class. This class is organized by GMBA NYCU, held every Thursday evening at 06:30pm-09:30pm, which is lead and taught by Professor Brian Yang with Jon Dang as his teaching assistant.

We were gathered in a classroom with about 40 students, not only from the GMBA program, but also from other programs and universities, for the first physical meeting of the class. It was overcrowded! Even Professor Brian Yang and his teaching assistant had not expected the class to be that full. Because the number of seats is limited, not everyone will be able to get a good chair and table to study. I was initially hesitant since the classroom environment is not favorable to learning and teaching interactions.

How it manages?

We are not GMBA if we can’t manage and deal with this issue! The professor has to give us a brief explanation on how this class will be conducted and may not be appropriate for all students, particularly juniors without a business or management experience. Following his extensive presentation of the course and curriculum, I noticed that some students departed the class, presumably because it was not what they expected.

It became clearer for them after the Professor explain on how this class will be conducted and what the subject covers. So then, after few students left the classroom, the class is better and only has 30 students, which I believe is more convenient for those who want to be more focused on learning and participating in class discussions.

What intrigues me for this class?

The topic itself, which comprises of the current growth of technologies in the business sector, is the sole reason I chose to enroll in this program. Most of the current topics is derived from Harvard Business Review case studies. We studied about giant high technology corporations such as Apple, Facebook, Google, Go-Jek, Amazon, Netflix, and others at the start of the semester. However, we will focus more on cryptocurrencies, NFT, Web 3.0, Blockchain, and other topics in the second term. Since I work in government, it can definitely help me have a better understanding of current technological developments and how to establish the appropriate policies to support them.

Although it took effort and time to read and understand the never-ending development of such technologies in limited time, but after the reading, learning, and discussing many topics with my peers, I learned many new things that I had never considered before and gained new perspectives, as well as insights into current situations that are rapidly progressing around the world. It's contentious and having the opportunity to discuss it with my teammates is exciting, since everyone will have their different point of views, opinions, and suggestions about the current topic.

Learning process

By reading, learning, and discussing case study themes with my classmates, I've come to see how, although being on the same team, each individual can act and think extremely differently when expressing their perspectives on some elements. Because some topics are contentious and there are no clear right and wrong answers, it might be difficult to come up with or think of a solution, and people will tend to have differing viewpoints and perspectives on the subject.

But in the meantime, the Professor can gather our thoughts and teach us how to look at things from a different perspective, providing us with new insights and perspectives on the topic's current state. So, one of the most essential things for me is to be able to learn from Professor experiences and each value that I can digest, because each topic will have a unique story, so I feel like I learnt something new every day from this class. Thanks’ to GMBA!