2024 Instructions for new students

Latest News 2024 Instructions for new students Important Dates: Register personal information: Early June to Aug. 30th Physical Examination: Aug. 27th 8 a.m. to 4:30…

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2023 School Summer Break

Latest News 2023 School Summer Break Below are the dates of school summer break: July 14th, 2023, July 28th, August 4th, August 11th,  and August…

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2023 Instructions for new students

最新消息 2023 Instructions for new students   Important Dates: Register personal information: Mid June to Sep. 8th Physical Examination: Sep. 6th 8 a.m. to 5…

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Public hearing for GMBA Credit Fee 2020

Latest News NCTU GMBA Credit Fee for 2020 Intake_Public Hearing 109學年度起學分費擬調整為每學分5000元。   一、議題: 管理學院GMBA學程學分費收費標準,自109學年度起入學學生之學分費擬由3,000元調整為5,000元。 二、事由: GMBA擬於109學年度起調整入學學生之學分費,將公開説明並聼取各方意見,特舉辦公聽會。 三、依據:教育部專科以上學校學雜費收取辦法 四、日期與地點: 11月27日(三)12:00-13:20 地點:管理二館MB110 五、流程: 12:00~12:05 簽到 12:05~12:20 説明公聽會要旨、簡報學雜費調整緣由 12:20~13:10 參與人陳述意見(依主持人指定順序發言,每人以3分鐘為限,以未曾發言者為優先)…

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