Student blog
What to do this summer?
By Jade Khieu, Class of 2023
Summer has come and I believe most of first-year GMBA students have already finished all the courses this semester and are ready for many interesting plans in this three-month break. In this article, I would like to share with you some ideas of what to do to have a fun and meaningful summer break.
Summer break is a good time to start an internship, especially when it is one of the graduation requirements for GMBA students at NYCU. Some companies in Taiwan started to recruit their summer interns since the beginning of the spring semester, but there are still several opportunities to apply for during the semester. Most internships start from early July to late August, but some require longer period.
Working hours and workload may vary between companies and industries, but it is a great chance to practice what was taught in class in a professional environment, improve business acumen and skills.
Being GMBA students in NYCU, there are many ways for us to seek internship. We can apply for companies which have connections with our program via internship info sessions hosted regularly. Companies and job-matching organizations like Contact Taiwan also often come to our campus for promoting and recruiting, which is a great opportunity for students to learn about the job market, recruiting trends and have direct interviews. Other popular online channels like 104 or 1111 job banks are also huge resources for us to dive in and find the most suitable internship.
Mandarin-Chinese language courses and cultural exchange activities
Taking language courses is another good option, especially for international students. It is not only for the graduation requirement, but also for getting to know more about this beautiful land through language and culture. There are also summer camps and cultural exchange activities hosted by universities all around Taiwan. I have seen a lot of advertisements on social media platforms about some interesting activities this summer and would like to give them a try and make more friends.
Extra skills elevation
Except for students who take extra credits, summer break is the time when we are most free and have time to develop personal projects or build some skills which we did not have time for during the semester. Some may want to spend their spare time to start learning new skills, like riding a scooter and getting a Taiwanese license, coding, video editing, or even new hobbies, like crocheting, meditating, cooking and more.
As summer break starts off, I have more time to develop my YouTube channels and make more videos of my preference. I cannot wait to create more inspiring and fun content this summer!
Summer Traveling
Even though we all could have gone on some trips during the semester, traveling in the summer still hits different as it truly brings the vacation vibes. And Taiwan has numerous sightseeing scenes and tourist attractions waiting for you to explore this summer, so why don’t you pack up and get on the way?

Visiting home
Due to the pandemic, many international students may have missed the chance to reunite with their family and friends in the winter break. But summer break is longer and the quarantine regulations have also been loosened so traveling across the borders is not a big challenge anymore. It would be great to have a chance to go home and see your beloved ones after a long year of studying abroad.
Finally, there are many more ideas for summer and we all have plenty of time to enjoy it. I hope you have a happy time and see you next semester!
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